About Us
Tricia graduated from the University of Maryland, College Park with her BS in Animal Science and then her MS in Food and Agricultural Science from the University of Maryland, Eastern Shore.
Growing up on a poultry farm, pursuing agricultural educational degrees, then bouncing around in her
In 2020, w fell into dairy sheep after the birth of my first daughter. I went dairy free while breastfeeding and was disappointed in my search for "dairy free" options. I took a few free classes at Cornell during the COVID shutdown to sharpen my sheep farming skills and suddenly the search for the scalable, profitable, regenerative farming niche had
coalesced into a pasture grazed sheep dairy producing
cheese, yogurt and ice cream.
6 Kings Farm LLC, Ewescream Sheep Dairy, & WOOL4SOIL
in Frankford, DE.
The goal is to get started with offering fresh and frozen raw pet milk and build organically into a certified dairy offering
sheepsmilk icecream and cheese to the local community.
Presently we sell (seasonally) raw pet milk in quart and half gallon,
handtanned sheepskin pelts, delicious lamb, and
WOOL4SOIL fertilizer and soil amendment.